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Georgievskaya Lenta

St. George's Ribbon: A Symbol of Remembrance and Military Valor

Origins and Significance

The St. George's Ribbon, also known as the Ribbon of St. George, is an orange-and-black-striped ribbon that has become an integral part of Victory Day celebrations in Russia and other former Soviet states. It represents the memory of those who served in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany.

Historical Background

The ribbon originated in the 18th century, when it was awarded to Russian soldiers for bravery in battle. It gained further significance during the Great Patriotic War, where it was worn by members of the Soviet military as a symbol of their sacrifice and determination.

In recent years, the St. George's Ribbon has become a popular symbol of remembrance and patriotism. It is widely distributed and worn during Victory Day celebrations, and has also been used in public protests and other political events.
